In-Person Course

Learn how to use Reiki for yourself, family and friends.
Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th July 2024 in Fortlawn Community Centre, Clonsilla, Dublin 15
€295 or €245 if booked by 13th July 2024

BOOK COURSE Marino CollegeBOOK COURSE Fortlawn Early BirdBOOK COURSE Fortlawn Deposit


Reiki 1 is taught to the highest standards, as set by the Reiki Federation of Ireland, and the Department of Health.

The course is for beginners who want to learn about energy and healing.

10 Monday Evenings in MARINO

Dates: 10 Mondays commencing January and September each year
6.30 pm to 8pm
Set by Marino College (Approx. €90)

Venue:  Marino College of Further Education, Marino Mart, Dublin 3

NB: To book this course please select “Book Course Marino College” button at top of page, which will bring you to Marino College’s website.


Weekend in Fortlawn Community Centre D15

Dates: Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th July 2024

Time:  9.00 am to 6.00 pm

Cost:  €245 if booked by 13th July: €295 if booked later

Venue: Mountview Fortlawn Community Youth and Sports Hub, Lohunda Drive, Clonsilla, Dublin 15.

This will be a small class with a lot of individual attention.  You will learn to do a full Reiki session on a plinth.  A follow-up meeting will be held after the course to help you to share experiences and ask questions.

NB: To attend this weekend course please contact Alison on

086 3304 357 or

[email protected]


  • Receive initiation into Reiki 1 energy

  • Receive a Reiki 1 manual

  • Explore what Reiki healing means

  • Strengthening energy/staying healthy

  • Learn about your chakras and how to look after them

  • Blocks in our energy fields

  • Causes of diseases and illnesses

  • Full healings on plinths


“A very well-taught class. I learned a lot about Reiki, as well as a lot about myself”

Carol Bandeman, Portmarnock

“I enjoyed the course. Alison made it fun to learn

Brenda Dalton, Marino


BOOK COURSE Marino College


Learn how to use Reiki for yourself, family and friends.

BOOK COURSE Marino CollegeBOOK COURSE Fortlawn Early BirtBOOK COURSE Fortlawn Pay Deposit